History’ My Granny
Today I want to tell you about on a typical day’ my granny.
The day she was a child. She did not go to school, because it was not possible. There was a war, and all the children were needed in the family. Her day started very early, usually at 4 or 5 am. She was the oldest child, so she had a lot to do. Her mother left in the morning to work on a farm, so the house stayed on the eldest daughter. She often spent her days working in the fields. She milked a cow and tended goats. They almost always had little food, so she went to the fields and collected the leftover vegetables to make something out of them. Now it sounds wild and nasty for us, but then it was a way of survival. Sometimes richer neighbors gave them food, but this rarely happened.
I know this from her stories. She loved to talk about her childhood, and we loved to hear her.
Despite all the trials, my grandmother raised 5 children and a lot of grandchildren. And although she is no longer with us, she will always be for us the hero of the time, which we love very much.